Friday, August 9, 2013

Rockstar Day!

Today was Freaky Friday, the theme was Rockstar Day! Here are some of the awesome outfits from both of the camps...

After morning meeting, Magic Tree House campers made flutes.  They then composed songs and took turns performing them for each other. Then Miss Kara played a few songs on her clarinet!

While MTH was making music, Daring was busy doing the Whale Watch and Nitro Crossing in their Project Adventure time!

In the afternoon, Magic Tree House made some Y stick tambourines.

For the Freaky Friday prize we had an ice cream sundae bar and the counselors put on a concert to end the day. It was a great way to finish the summer!

Last Day in Australia!

Our Friday in Australia began with books and crafts! The Kangaroos read stories with Ms. Ellis and colored pictures of Australian outback animals. The first book, "Destination Australia" by Jonathan Grupper chronicled the lives of different land animals. The second book, "One Small Place by the Sea" by Barabard Bresher taught us about sea creatures. This book complimented our study of the Great Barrier Reef. The craft of the day was...Boomerangs! The Koalas got to work on this activity first with Ms. L. The campers watched a short video of aborigines throwing boomerangs and then got to decorate their own with colorful markers. Then the groups swapped so everyone could participate in both activities. After lunch and recess the campers were ready for water play with the sprinkler! Our only regret was today was the last day....what a fun summer we had :)

Last Day of SLI camp!

After two weeks of language immersion, our French and Spanish campers are very used to listening and responding to directions given in the target language! This morning, the French campers experienced a typical petit déjeuner with croissants and made tropical fruit smoothies, while the Spanish campers learned about how chocolate came to Spain from Latin America and ate pan con chocolate. 
Treva Offut, the Middle School drama and dance teacher, paid the French campers a visit to teach them about Senegalese drumming and dance. C'était super!
Spanish campers created Día de los Muertos-inspired artwork, while French campers made masks based on images they viewed of Senegalese masks.
In the afternoon, we gathered together for a soccer match. It has certainly been a fun-filled two weeks. Merci beaucoup and muchas gracias!

SLI Day 4 Week 2

French and Spanish campers tried their hand at fishing today at the Butler campus. Using sticks found in the woods, campers created their own fishing rods. No bites, but fun was had nonetheless!
Back at the Lyman Campus, French campers made a traditional Senegalese dessert, Thiakry, which is a couscous pudding. After cooking, we explored what we already knew about Senegal and then learned a bit more about the geography, climate, and history of this former French colony. Campers made Senegalese flags and wrote about what they had learned.

In Spanish today, campers were off to Mexico, where they made guacamole. In the afternoon, they practiced facial features in Spanish by creating self-portraits. It's hard to believe how quickly the past two weeks have passed. Tomorrow is our last day!