Friday, August 9, 2013

Last Day of SLI camp!

After two weeks of language immersion, our French and Spanish campers are very used to listening and responding to directions given in the target language! This morning, the French campers experienced a typical petit déjeuner with croissants and made tropical fruit smoothies, while the Spanish campers learned about how chocolate came to Spain from Latin America and ate pan con chocolate. 
Treva Offut, the Middle School drama and dance teacher, paid the French campers a visit to teach them about Senegalese drumming and dance. C'était super!
Spanish campers created Día de los Muertos-inspired artwork, while French campers made masks based on images they viewed of Senegalese masks.
In the afternoon, we gathered together for a soccer match. It has certainly been a fun-filled two weeks. Merci beaucoup and muchas gracias!

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