Friday, August 9, 2013

SLI Day 4 Week 2

French and Spanish campers tried their hand at fishing today at the Butler campus. Using sticks found in the woods, campers created their own fishing rods. No bites, but fun was had nonetheless!
Back at the Lyman Campus, French campers made a traditional Senegalese dessert, Thiakry, which is a couscous pudding. After cooking, we explored what we already knew about Senegal and then learned a bit more about the geography, climate, and history of this former French colony. Campers made Senegalese flags and wrote about what they had learned.

In Spanish today, campers were off to Mexico, where they made guacamole. In the afternoon, they practiced facial features in Spanish by creating self-portraits. It's hard to believe how quickly the past two weeks have passed. Tomorrow is our last day!

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