Monday, June 24, 2013

Daring Camp - Dare to be an Artist

Daring Campers spent their day having fun, doing their best to stay cool, and exploring how to be an artist! The campers started their morning doing Project Adventure activities; they played games to practice their listening and teamwork skills, like Name Call, MEOW, and Whale Watch. After lunch, campers hiked to the creek to catch critters; they even found a salamander! Then, each camper made their very own portfolio to keep his or her artwork from the week in. To end the day, Daring Camp combined with Magic Tree House camp to do 3 fun activities: an Alphabet Scavenger Hunt, making sculptures out of packing peanuts/water, and playing a game of Charades. We swim tomorrow morning. Don't forget your bathing suit, towel, and a change of clothes!

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