Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gator Train Travels to China: Day 3

One of the highlights of camp today was attending the “Little Racquets” program in the Multipurpose Room. Mrs. Lynn Buchinsky and her team introduced some basic tennis skills. The children “had a ball” hitting a variety of ball sizes with their own racquets over the net. Little Racquets will be offered as part of the Gator Train curriculum each week on Wednesday.

Mrs. Forquer began her “Whistle Stop” by greeting the children in Chinese. She also introduced some Chinese vocabulary for the Dragon Boat Festival, and read the story, “Celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival.” She concluded her activity time by teaching the children a new goodbye song in Chinese.

Ms. McCool’s “Whistle Stop” involved a lot of painting today. The children painted a picture frame to hold a camp photo, as well as a wooden wiggly snake.

We’re excited for our field trip tomorrow to the Natural History Museum. Please remember to send your child to camp in his/her green Summer at Laurel shirt. The bus will depart for the field trip promptly at 9:00a.m.

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