Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Magic Tree House and Daring campers had a "raaaaawwwwring" good time at camp today! Campers started their day with a game of "GOAL"!

Then, campers hopped on the bus to go swimming at University School!

After lunch, Magic Tree House and Daring campers hiked to the softball fields for some Water Play. Campers participated in several relay races and in a game of Sponge Tag. 

Following the water games, Daring Camp and Magic Tree House Camp split up to do their own activities. Magic Tree House campers made dinosaur masks and buried a dinosaur (to be excavated later in the week). Daring Camp made paper mache dinosaur eggs (to be painted later in the week). 

Tomorrow, both camps will go to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Please send your camper in his or her green Summer at Laurel tshirt. If he/she does not have one, we will give him/her one in the morning. 

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